We hope that you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are sorry that we have been quite over the past month but we have been busy working behind the scenes planning for 2024. We have a number of grant applications in and hope that our funders look favourably on these to ensure that we can deliver the volume of work we did over the past year.
In the meantime our contracts with Live Well Kent and Medway and Involve continue and we shall be running more Fish and Chat sessions. These will be covering West Kent, Medway and Swale. The first of these sessions will be during the week commencing 12th February.
Activate Essex have again awarded us a contract to deliver our school holiday HAF (Holiday Activities and Food) programme during the 2024/2025 school year. Before this starts, however, they have asked us to do a one day session during the February half term and this will be on Tuesday 20th February.
To find out more information visit our events page www.castathought.co.uk/events